The Bond-ing Trip

You know that feeling when you woke up one morning and you felt like crap because you felt so worthless and not worthy of anything or anyone – when you were supposed to feel blessed that you’re still breathing? So, perhaps in all my wrongs, I must have done at least one thing right. Which [...]

Asia Trippin’ – Phuket

Someone told me that you’ll never know how strong you can get, until being strong is the only choice you have. Or maybe I’ve read it somewhere. And I definitely felt stronger in Phuket – when I managed to lift the Kontot up. There must be something in the Phuket air then. The Phuket trip [...]

Doing The Honour, of the Maid of (dis)Honour

When was the last time you truly felt happy over someone else’s happiness? Like really, truly ecstatic for them; not the ‘OMG! I’m so happy for you but I’m also slightly envious’ kind of happy? Well, I had one last night. The one that made me so over the moon that I decided not to [...]

We Are Purebloods

You know how hard is it to get ONE guy nowadays? Let alone 6 of them? EXCRUCIATINGLY difficult, let me tell you. People kept saying - 'But surely you could enter Spartan Race by yourself! You fit already what?' NO. Most of the times, I know I could do things on my own. I have [...]